Our Missing Colored Girls


The City of East Orange has the same problem a lot of other towns have: black women are disappearing.

Category: SKU: dt003 Tag:


Despite the frequency of these abductions, no one is sounding any alarms. Missing black women aren’t considered important enough to be considered a priority in most precincts.

There’s one thing East Orange has that other precincts don’t: Rookie Officer Kora Merrit. She’s only been on the force a handful of weeks, but she has already made it her personal mission to stop the mass abductions that are happening in her city.

She’s young, damaged, and wears her emotions on her sleeve. Kora never met her father, and doesn’t know who her mother is. A childhood of foster homes and broken promises hardened her, and Kora is one tough cop. Can she make her way through the sexism, racism, and other biases that she will face everyday in the old boys club, as she searches for answers to questions most other officers don’t even care about? What will happen when she finds out just how deep the rabbit hole goes, and how high up the food chain it ends? Can Kora shrug off her own demons and keep the walls from closing in long enough to solve a mystery no one seems to want her to solve? You’ll have to read Our Missing Colored Girls to find out!

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 3 cm


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